What is the number one commitment in a relationship?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Me And My Best Friend Keyara

Heeeyyyyy .... This is me and my best friend Keyara ! We've been friends since 7th grade. It was hard to try to keep this best friend but i manged to. Keyara and i have been through our ups and downs. We have got passed those. Keyara is the one person that i can talk to about anything and everything. She is like a Big/Lil sister to me.

Fake Friends

.........Fake friends are like shadows always near you at  your brightest moments but nowhere to be seen at at the darkest hours.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Being A Side Chick

Being A side Chick is not cute. This means that the boy you like already has a girl friend and putting you to side so he can have you when they break up. No girl should ever be a side chick! There is so many boys in the world. Don't just stay on one! EXPLORE,,,,,!!!!

How To Keep A Relationship Working

15 ways to keep a is listed in the picture. Do you follow all these rules ? If you do then you know that your relationship is good so far!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Relationships Trust

A relationship without trust is like having a phone with no service. To me this means that if there is no trust in your relationship then you don't have one. Trust is the number one commitment in a relationship. If you don't have trust in you relationship your relationship is not a real relationship. You have to trust one another to be in a relationship. If you don't trust your boy friend / girl friend then why are you even in relationship??

Monday, June 24, 2013


If you and your sister are in a middle of an argument and she pushes you , what do you do?

Answer :
Positive one : You go tell your mom or dad what happened and what she did. Or you just leave the room.

Negative one : Push her back and yall start fighting.

Boy Friend And Girl Friend Probelms

If you and your boyfriend breaks up then get back together but he doesn't trust you anymore , what do you do to gain his trust?

Answer: You should go and talk to him. Ask him why he doesn't trust you. Sit down and take all long a talk about it.